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Millenium Shard

Londontown. The Big Smoke. The Swinging City. Whatever you call it, London has been one of the most populated cities for thousands of years, and it continues to grow in population. So what do you do with all people flocking to the capital? You build upwards. And one of the most beautiful examples of stacking people on top of each other is The Shard. It was explicitly designed as a building of multiple uses. Essentially, it’s a vertical city where people live, work and play. The building boasts offices, restaurants, the Shangri-La Hotel, residences and the UK’s highest viewing gallery.

Inspiring office environments mean happy, productive employees and the offices at The Shard provide an incredible view of the capital, along with state of the art planning that makes the most of every inch of space available. Other facts about The Shard:

• The Shard is 309.6 metres, or 1,016 feet, high.
• It is 95 storeys tall, with level 72 the highest habitable floor.
• The building has 44 lifts, some of which are double-decker!
• Its exterior is covered by 11,000 glass panels – equivalent in area to eight football pitches.
• The length of wiring in the building would stretch from London to Paris.
• 1,450 workers from 60 countries built The Shard.
• Lifts travel at speeds of up to 6 metres a second.

Remarkably, a fox was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction. Nicknamed Romeo by staff, is believed to have survived on food left by construction workers.

Of course, not everyone can work in a building like The Shard. But you can make the most of your current workplace with the help of professional planners. Millenium SI are experts at recommending affordable solutions that are ideal for your office. Why not call us for a free consultation on 01942 603344.


Times have changed, with people talking about the need to consolidate costs and making the most of what you have. Manufacturing plants, commercial warehousing and distribution centres need innovative solutions in order to be profitable and to keep up with their competition. So how can a business make an impact on their bottom line by making changes in storage facility? There are some things to consider when planning and designing your warehouse:

1. Employee Safety: It is both legal and a smart business decision to ensure employees are in a safe, ergonomic-friendly work environment. Consider ways to make your warehouse easy to manoeuvre, have plenty of regular safety checks and encourage employees to share ideas on how to better your business. Taking safety and comfort for your staff into consideration when planning will make for a healthy, happy workplace.

2. Consider Future Needs: Employers often ask candidates in the interviewing process ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years?’ but how many ask themselves the same question? When planning your space, make sure you leave yourself the flexibility to easily grow with your business.

3. Functional Space Layout: With careful planning, you might be quite surprised how much you can actually do with the space available to you. Today there are so many clever concepts and options available to businesses to maximise every usable inch of space in your warehouse.

4. Sustainable Technologies: There are regulatory environmental concerns that need to be considered when making plans for your storage and warehousing. There are sustainable options today that are kinder to the environment as well as offering a safe working environment.

If you don’t know where to start, you are not alone. After all, your area of expertise lies within your own industry. Storage and warehousing can be complicated and overwhelming for a business, especially for a start-up company. Consider contacting a free consultation with one of Millenium SI experts for a discussion about a well-designed and economical storage solution for your business.

Call us now on 01942 603344.

Modern Office Environment

Watching ‘Mad Men’ on television is a stark reminder of exactly how far the modern office environment has come.

Go back half century or so, and the office layout was very much a hierarchy of the social pecking order of each employee. Administrative work (by mostly female workers) was clustered together in a large group in the centre of the office environment. Desks were utilitarian, small and offered no privacy whatsoever.

When moving to the slightly elevated associate positions, there were very small, shared office in cramped quarters. However, the residents were allowed to ever-so-slightly personalize their space with a framed picture of the family. As we reach executive level personnel, we find large and lavish rooms with incredible views of the cityscape, full stocked wet bars, a settee and behemoth cherry wood desks with leather chairs that resembling a throne.

Fast forward to modern times, and we still see a hint of the old office ‘class structure’, although as a society we have embraced a slightly more balanced status for employees. However for practical reasons, there is still a need for corporate executives to have some privacy to wheel and deal.

Today we still want the room to be movers and shakers, and to allow our workers to be able to take a tea break in a room with a few tables and chairs. The problem we face is that real estate is on the rebound, and the cost of spacious offices simply isn’t a reality for most businesses. So the only solution is to make the most of the space you have.

Regardless of whether you have a hot-desk set up in mind for your team or a cubicle structure to provide a bit more privacy to allow team members to concentrate (and cut down on the chin-wagging that can take over in an open office plan), Millenium SI can create the perfect office plan to utilise your space for maximum efficiency. Wherever your office is located, get in touch with our team of experts for a consultation on what we can work out for you.

Britain Certainly has Some of the Most Beautiful Architecture in Europe

Britain certainly has some of the most beautiful architecture in Europe, if not the world. What people outside of the UK might not know if the story of The Great Fire of London in 1666. Starting in a small bakery on Pudding Lane, it quickly spread throughout the city and virtually gutted all of the homes and businesses that had been built in medieval times, leaving piles of smouldering rubbish for weeks after the disaster.

But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, London rebuilt itself with some truly remarkable structures thanks to the vision of geniuses like Sir Christopher Wren. Churches, museums, royal dwelling and office buildings were built on a grand scale. Many of these buildings exist today, although they have been repurposed for use as the headquarters for some of the most prestigious businesses in the UK.

Any modern office building requires an extensive network of wiring for phones, internet, electric and fire extinguishers but nothing detracts from the beauty of the original features of an exquisite building like a tangle of wires hanging about. Of course, there are also safety issues involved with making sure all this wiring is up to code and do not pose a danger to the inhabitants.

A suspended ceiling is a secondary ceiling that is used in most industrial and commercial buildings. The most common secondary ceiling is the rectangular tiles that snap together to create a lattice pattern. However, there are a number of different designs and materials that can be installed to reflect the aesthetic feel of each individual office. A secondary benefit to secondary ceilings is it can help absorb noise, particularly in cavernous large offices with wooden flooring where sound waves can bounce around the walls like a ball in a game of squash.

Contact Millennium Storage and Interiors today on 01942 603344 and find out what suspended ceiling can do for your premises.

E-commerce has Become the way we Live, but Couldn’t Survive Without Warehouses

E-commerce has revolutionized the way we live. Visit any high street, and you will see a stark reminder of the shift from shopping in retail stores to the ease of ordering items from the internet. If you think about it, virtually anything can be purchased online. Consumers can purchase everything from a pizza to an automobile with the click of a button. Of course it is highly advised that you do not make life purchases from a few photos on a website, but it has been known to happen.

However, what has not changed with technology is a very fundamental aspect of commerce. That is the end product. You can read a virtual magazine, but you can’t drive a virtual car. Or order virtual groceries. Or wear virtual clothes. Although the purchasing of these items can be made online, they have to be shipped to the buyer, and that usually happens from a warehouse.

Warehousing has been around since recorded history. But what has changed is how we warehouse inventory. With real estate costs continuing to climb, it is important to utilize every usable inch of warehouse space in the best possible way. Of course, safety is also a very important aspect of how we house goods. So it is imperative that you consult the experts at Millenium SI to arrange a consultation for a tour of your storage space. We will assess your facility to see how we can help improve your existing racking and shelving systems and make sure you are compliant with all recent safety requirements so that you can be satisfied that the highest levels of health & safety in the workplace can be held.

Call us now for a free consultation on 01942 603344.

Is your warehouse ready for an even bigger sales boom?

Online shopping is big business in the UK. The IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index has reported that online sales in the UK totaled £91bn in 2013, a rise of 16% on the previous year. Now that figure’s set to rise by a further 17% this year to reach total online sales of £107bn. It’s very much due to the rise of consumers using tablets and mobile devices like Smartphones to make their purchases – a trend that was huge in 2013 and is set to become even more popular in 2014.

In fact, it’s predicted that the number of mobile devices being used in 2014 will outnumber the number of world population! With our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles, we can communicate with the click of a button and consumers are more and more used to having whatever they want or need delivered to them, almost instantly. It’s convenient, and it’s certainly a trend that will grow and grow. In fact, it’s also predicted that by 2018 the online food and grocery sector will be worth £8.1bn, an incredible 123.7% increase over five years.

This massive surge in online shopping means it’s vital to have the most up-to-date warehouse storage systems. Consumers expect their ordered goods to arrive fast and accurately, often by the next day. So the pressure is on e-tailers to pick, pack and despatch as quickly as possible. This means that automated warehouse storage will likely be critical to e-tail success, with warehouse storage solutions to match.

Are you ready to meet the ever-increasing needs and demands of your customers? Do you have the most effective warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems in place? Are you maximising your warehouse space with creative racking and shelving systems that let you pack in more products but locate them quickly and easily? If you’re not ready to meet the inexorable rise of the online shopping trend, then it’s time to talk to us!

We can create the ideal warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems to meet your business’ – and more crucially your customers’ – needs. After all, we’re industry leaders in warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems, from the simple through to computer-controlled live location narrow and very narrow racking. We work to create warehouse racking and shelving systems with clients from all industries, whether we re-design your current system or start from a blank canvas.

The boom in online shopping won’t stop. So don’t let your warehouse racking and shelving storage systems let you down when your customers want their products, well, NOW!

Workplace luxuries – US style!

US business magazine Forbes recently ran an article discussing the benefits of employers providing ‘perks’ of the job in terms of maximising employee productivity and loyalty. Whilst expert opinions were divided as to how effective these perks and benefits could be – over, say, a great company culture – well, we thought we’d share with you some of the weird and wonderful workplace luxuries some US businesses are providing for their staff. Here goes:

1: On-site masseuse – to combat stress in the workplace companies including LinkedIn, American Express, Coldwell Banker, Intel, SAS and Samsung provide chair massages to employees. It’s not always free, but it does mean employees don’t have to travel to get their stress-relieving fix.

2: On-site doctor’s office – the software firm SAS has provided an on-site Health Centre at its HQ since 1984. The centre provides a wide range of services at no cost for employees and their family members covered by SAS health insurance. So again, so need to miss a half day’s work travelling to and from a doctor’s appointment.

3: Cleaning Service – IT staffing firm Akraya sends professional cleaners to employees’ homes twice a month to combat the stress of having to cope with work as well as stay on top of housework.

4: MetroNap EnergyPod – one of our favourites! As seen at Google offices, this ‘chair with a helmet’ reclines and plays soothing sounds for that all-important power nap. At $12,895 apiece, we wonder how soon we’ll be seeing these gizmos in UK offices?!

5: Webcam-monitored childcare – Deloitte in particular underwrites the costs of childcare for employees who place their little ones in daycare centres that have Webcams installed. Mums and Dads can log on remotely from the office or by phone to check in on Junior at any time, thus giving peace of mind and letting them get on with their work.

6: On-site Bar – another favourite! Social media company Yelp has both an on-site bar and even ‘adult beverage’ vending machines delivering FREE beer and developed by its own engineers! Of course, drinking on the job isn’t allowed, but it’s a way for employees to socialise after working hours, perhaps making use of the pool table, ping pong and video games room too.

7: Scooters – corporate HQs in America can be vast and are often called a ‘campus’. To help employees travel to and from meetings ‘on campus’ companies including Abercrombie and Fitch and Google provide scooters for just that purpose.

8: On-site laundry and dry cleaning – perhaps the most sensible and useful of the lot, firms including Facebook, Google and Twitter offer on-site laundry and dry cleaning facilities to make life that bit easier for their people.

So, that’s how they’re doing things over the pond – but if you’d like to start things off a little easier, how about coming to talk to us about your office layout and design? Even simple changes can make a big impact on employee productivity and wellbeing at work. As experts in workspace design we can ensure you maximise your space as well as your employees’ enjoyment of it.

Though we may try and talk you into investing in a MetroNap EnergyPod…just so we can come and have a go!

Is your warehouse ready for an even bigger sales boom?

Online shopping is big business in the UK. The IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index has reported that online sales in the UK totaled £91bn in 2013, a rise of 16% on the previous year. Now that figure’s set to rise by a further 17% this year to reach total online sales of £107bn. It’s very much due to the rise of consumers using tablets and mobile devices like Smartphones to make their purchases – a trend that was huge in 2013 and is set to become even more popular in 2014.

In fact, it’s predicted that the number of mobile devices being used in 2014 will outnumber the number of world population! With our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles, we can communicate with the click of a button and consumers are more and more used to having whatever they want or need delivered to them, almost instantly. It’s convenient, and it’s certainly a trend that will grow and grow. In fact, it’s also predicted that by 2018 the online food and grocery sector will be worth £8.1bn, an incredible 123.7% increase over five years.

This massive surge in online shopping means it’s vital to have the most up-to-date warehouse storage systems. Consumers expect their ordered goods to arrive fast and accurately, often by the next day. So the pressure is on e-tailers to pick, pack and despatch as quickly as possible. This means that automated warehouse storage will likely be critical to e-tail success, with warehouse storage solutions to match.

Are you ready to meet the ever-increasing needs and demands of your customers? Do you have the most effective warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems in place? Are you maximising your warehouse space with creative racking and shelving systems that let you pack in more products but locate them quickly and easily? If you’re not ready to meet the inexorable rise of the online shopping trend, then it’s time to talk to us!

We can create the ideal warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems to meet your business’ – and more crucially your customers’ – needs. After all, we’re industry leaders in warehouse racking and warehouse shelving systems, from the simple through to computer-controlled live location narrow and very narrow racking. We work to create warehouse racking and shelving systems with clients from all industries, whether we re-design your current system or start from a blank canvas.

The boom in online shopping won’t stop. So don’t let your warehouse racking and shelving storage systems let you down when your customers want their products, well, NOW!

UK Manufacturing Exceeding Expectations

The UK manufacturing industry grew faster than was expected in February 2014, according to the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI). Employment in the sector expanded at its fastest rate for almost three years and the PMI ticked up to 56.9 from 56.6 in January – higher than the 56.5 economists predicted and the eleventh consecutive month that UK manufacturing has shown expansion.

Manufacturing accounts for around a tenth of the UK’s economy, and the latest figures suggest that another quarter of solid economic growth should be on the cards. The sharp rise in job creation – a 33 month record – should also help the wider economic recovery.

The upturn has been seen across all manufacturing sectors – consumer, intermediate and investment goods producers have all reported robust increases in output, new orders and employment during February. New export business has also flourished with orders from clients in the US, the Middle East, China, Africa and Europe flooding in. This strong demand has certainly aided the pricing power of UK manufacturers, with average selling prices rising for the eighth consecutive month.

As industry leaders in logistics and warehouse racking and shelving systems, here at Millennium SI we can create ideal solutions that utilise your space to maximum effect. From simple shelving systems to efficient pallet racking to state-of-the-art computer-controlled live location narrow and very narrow warehouse racking, we can help your business to meet demand by making the most of the existing space available or by designing a warehouse shelving and pallet racking system from scratch. Whatever your industry, for the most creative yet practical solutions to your warehouse issues, just get in touch with our expert team.

Is Standing up the New Sitting Down?

There’s growing concern amongst medical experts regarding the negative impact that sitting down for long periods of time can have on our health. And, of course, many of us spend most of our working day sitting at a desk.

Scientific studies over the last decade have shown that too much sitting down can lead to obesity plus an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes. headaches caused by poor posture, slipped discs as the spine becomes less flexible and, frighteningly, an increased risk of developing some cancers due to the increased levels of insulin sedentary people experience.

These findings were found to hold true whether or not people are physically active in their spare time.

But there simple things you can do to reduce your risk of ill health. Rotating your feet at the ankles and getting up to walk around every 20 minutes or so should help the circulation in your legs and prevent fluid build-up in your ankles. For back, shoulder and headaches due to poor posture, stand up every hour and interlock your fingers behind your back for a few seconds. And always use the stairs!

But Mike Trenell, professor of movement and metabolism at Newcastle University says that simply standing up as much as possible is the best thing you can do – standing up engages the abdominal muscles, calves and quadriceps, and the more muscles you use, the better.

The results of all of this research have led to a huge rise in the sale of treadmill desks in the United States – sales have tripled since 2012. The walkable desks are designed specifically for an office setting and move at around 1-2 miles per hour, which increases the heart rate but is a comfortable pace to carry on working. Of course, treadmill desks aren’t suitable for many offices, so standing desks are also becoming an ever more popular trend. Standing desks stack on top of an existing desk and can increase your heart rate by up to 10 beats per minute – standing at your desk for just three hours per day can burn up to 50 calories per hour. That’s 750 over a five day week, which over the course of a year would burn off around 8lbs of fat.

Here at Millennium SI we’re at the forefront of innovative and creative office design. So if you think it’s time to stand up and be counted as a business that promotes health and wellbeing in the workplace, we’d be happy to source and supply the latest standing or treadmill desks for you. Just get in touch and we’ll do the rest.

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