Londontown. The Big Smoke. The Swinging City. Whatever you call it, London has been one of the most populated cities for thousands of years, and it continues to grow in population. So what do you do with all people flocking to the capital? You build upwards. And one of the most beautiful examples of stacking people on top of each other is The Shard. It was explicitly designed as a building of multiple uses. Essentially, it’s a vertical city where people live, work and play. The building boasts offices, restaurants, the Shangri-La Hotel, residences and the UK’s highest viewing gallery.
Inspiring office environments mean happy, productive employees and the offices at The Shard provide an incredible view of the capital, along with state of the art planning that makes the most of every inch of space available. Other facts about The Shard:
• The Shard is 309.6 metres, or 1,016 feet, high.
• It is 95 storeys tall, with level 72 the highest habitable floor.
• The building has 44 lifts, some of which are double-decker!
• Its exterior is covered by 11,000 glass panels – equivalent in area to eight football pitches.
• The length of wiring in the building would stretch from London to Paris.
• 1,450 workers from 60 countries built The Shard.
• Lifts travel at speeds of up to 6 metres a second.
Remarkably, a fox was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction. Nicknamed Romeo by staff, is believed to have survived on food left by construction workers.
Of course, not everyone can work in a building like The Shard. But you can make the most of your current workplace with the help of professional planners. Millenium SI are experts at recommending affordable solutions that are ideal for your office. Why not call us for a free consultation on 01942 603344.